Malcolm X In Focus: A Happy Birthday Roundtable Discussion

Another angle of discussion on the legacy Malcolm X from Voxunion…

To commemorate the birthday of Malcolm X we convened a very special 2 hour program, a round table discussion featuring in the first hour Glen Ford Executive Editor of Black Agenda, Dr. Mark Bolden of the Association of Black Psychologists and Kali Akuno of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and US Human Rights Network.  In hour 2 we had Kalonji Olusegun current vice-president of the Republic of New Afrika, former vice-presidential nominee of the Green Party Rosa Clemente and Dr. Todd Burroughs of Morgan State University.  Ours was a round table discussion critical of recent scholarship on Malcolm X and in praise of the man himself and the ideas he represented.  We attempted to re-focus Malcolm in the midst of all surrounding confusion.

Malcolm X In Focus: A Happy Birthday Roundtable Discussion.

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! Speaks to New Orleans Activists Kali Akuno and Sess4-5

The New Orleans City Council has unanimously voted to move ahead with the demolition of 4,500 units of public housing. Under the plan, the city’s four largest public housing developments will be razed and replaced with mixed-income housing. Hundreds of people were turned away from the City Council meeting. Police shot protesters with pepper spray and tasers. We go to New Orleans to speak with two local community activists and a former SWAT commander. [includes rush transcript]

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