Van Jones Knows How to Build a Green Economy

Altering the perception of the environmental movement among African Americans.

The closing keynote speaker of the Netroots Nation convention in Austin last month was environmental and social justice activist Van Jones. Following his Sunday morning speech TPMtv caught up with Mr. Jones and asked him about the perception of the environmental movement in the black community and how to alter that perception for the better in creating a full-blown eco-populism movement.

Watch the video!

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Color of Change: Vote Today! Help get Van Jones on the Tom Joyner Show

After 12 years, Tavis Smiley is turning over the mic on the Tom Joyner Morning Show and they’ve put the choice for his replacement in your hands. What’s more, our own Van Jones, co-founder of ColorOfChange, is one of the seven finalists for the prestigious spot.

Van just finished delivering a great live commentary, followed by a rave review by Joyner’s celebrity judge. We’re encouraging everyone we know to check it out and then rank his performance online. It takes only a moment; just click here:

This week they’ll cut the seven finalists to four, so your vote really counts. If he makes it through, we know Van will elevate the issues we care about–improving our schools, fighting for healthcare, creating good, green jobs and fixing our broken justice system–on one of the most listened-to shows in America.

If you want to vote for Van, it’s easy, but you have to do it before voting closes tonight. Follow this link, then click on “Listen Now” to hear the commentary and “Vote Now” to cast your ballot:

Once you’re there, you can also find out more about Van’s work and life through the series of links to his articles and appearances.

Thank You and Peace,

— James, Gabriel, Clarissa, Andre, Kai and the rest of the team
July 22nd, 2008