Letters From Exile: Ms. Lauryn Hill releases new music

“Consumerism is part of some material I was trying to finish before I had to come in. We did our best to eek out a mix via verbal and emailed direction, thanks to the crew of surrogate ears on the other side. Letters From Exile is material written from a certain space, in a certain place. I felt the need to discuss the underlying socio-political, cultural paradigm as I saw it. I haven’t been able to watch the news too much recently, so I’m not hip on everything going on. But inspiration of this sort is a kind of news in and of itself, and often times contains an urgency that precedes what happens. I couldn’t imagine it not being relevant. Messages like these I imagine find their audience, or their audience finds them, like water seeking it’s level.”

– Ms. Lauryn Hill

Available now on iTunes

Art of the Political Poster at the Oakland Museum – @COLORLINES

Art of the Political Poster at the Oakland Museum

Poster illustration by DignidadRebelde.com

“Last October, the Oakland Museum of California was gifted the “All Of Us Or None” poster collection of 23,500 political posters collected by Michael Rossman, a free speech activist from Berkeley. The posters document almost every political movement in the U.S. between the 1960s and the 1990s, particularly the time between 1965 and 1985 in the Bay Area. The collection covers a wide-range of topics including the Black Panther Party, police brutality, and war.”